Contact Us

Unlike a lot of websites we are always happy to hear from our clients.

We prefer not to put up an e-mail address as this usually attracts a massive amount of unwanted mail from non-real people and we have sufficient drugs to solve all of our problems!

We are always keen to hear from real individuals who are eager to change their lives for the better, I know its old technology but I always find that a phone call works wonders to solve most problems.

We have a call centre who are more than happy to take your phone call and deal with your enquires or have someone ring you back if needed, the number is

0845 345 5632

This number is usually manned Monday to Friday 7am to 7pm, but you never know you may find someone in outside of those hours.

If you prefer to use the post you can always send us a letter to

128 Fairfield



© Hitch Publishing Limited 2010